Home Language Survey

Was the first language used by this student English? 

Yes: Go to Question 2. 

No: Go to Question 3. 

When at home, does this student hear or use a language other than English more than half of the time? 

Yes: Go to Question 4. 

No: Student is not eligible for ELP Screening. HLS is complete. Go to Section 2. 

When at home, does this student hear or use a language other than English more than half of the time? 

Yes: Administer ELP screener. Record other language(s). HLS is complete. Go to Section 2. 

No: Go to Question 4. 

When interacting with their parents or guardians, does this student hear or use a language other than English more than half of the time? 

Yes: Administer ELP Screener. Record other language(s). HLS is complete. Go to Section 2. 

No: Go to Question 5. 

When interacting with caregivers other than their parents or guardians, does this student hear or use a language other than English more than half of the time? 

Yes: Administer ELP screener. Record other language(s). HLS is complete. Go to Section 2. 

No: Go to Question 6. 

When interacting with their siblings or other children in their home, does this student hear or use a language other than English more than half of the time? 

Yes: Administer ELP screener. Record other language(s). HLS is complete. Go to Section 2. 

No: Go to Question 7. 

Is this student a Native American, Native Alaskan, or Native Hawaiian? 

Yes: Go to Question 8. 

No: Go to Question 9. 

Is this student’s language influenced by a Tribal language through a parent, grandparent, relative, or guardian? 

Yes: Administer ELP screener. Record other language(s). HLS is complete. Go to Section 2. 

No: Go to Question 9. 

Has this student recently moved from another school district where they were identified as an English Learner? 

Yes: Rescreen the student if they meet the criteria for rescreening. 

No: Student is not eligible for ELP Screening. HLS is complete. Go to Section 2.